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Money as a technology is far too powerful to be controlled by any single entity. To control the technology we call money, is to control humanity. The manifestation of money is a naturally occurring human institution, and our current money has been captured by a parasitic cartel we call central banks. Thankfully, bitcoin fixes this.

Bitcoin is the most significant innovation of our time, and I believe it is the single most important thing i can spend my time focussed on. It fundamentally reorganises the power dynamic within our complex human society. Where fiat concentrates power toward the center benefiting a few, bitcoin redistributes this power back toward the edges and empowers the individual.

Bitcoin Unlocked is an outlet for me to explore this innovation more deeply, how it’s changing our world today, and laying the foundations for us to reimagine a better vision for our future.

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This is not investment advice - Bitcoin is not an investment in my opinion. It’s important to do your own research. Hopefully this can be a small part of that research to help you formulate clearer views and make better decisions.

Fix the money, fix the world.

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